Atypika Joanna Szulc – Atypika
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Joanna Szulc

Joanna Szulc is an assistant professor at Gdansk University of Technology. She holds a PhD in Management from the University of Leeds (UK). She specializes in the topic of neurodiversity at work and creating inclusive organizations. She puts special emphasis on employee well-being and effective interpersonal relations. Joanna has authored scientific papers in international journals and has won prestigious grants and academic awards. She participates in the works of the international association of the European Academy of Management (EURAM), where she serves as a mentor to young scientists and director of the doctoral student assistance program. She has lectured at universities in the UK and Poland. In the field of neurodiversity, she has managed grants funded by the University Forum for Human Resource Development and the European Academy of Management. Currently, she is the principal investigator of the ARGENTUM grant funded by the Gdansk University of Technology entitled “Sustained, inclusive and sustainable institutions for all: Neurodiversity-friendly smart work design”. Her work on neurodivergent workers has appeared in academic journals such as Employee Relations, Personnel Review, and the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. She also spoke about her research on neurodiversity as an invited expert at the Healthy Remote Work training organized by the UK Department of Health and Social Care and during the Economic and Social Science Research Council (ESRC) Festival of Science. She is currently working on a scientific monograph entitled “Neurodiversity in the Workplace.”

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